Jan 10, 2019

All About The Mona Lisa Touch

By Melissa Taylor

Reproductive health is something that is typically discussed in hushed whispers, if at all. The dearth of discussion in this area is contributive to the lack of awareness and, consequently, cures to the many issues and concerns surrounding it. Times are fast changing, however, and you may be rest assured that panaceas are on their way. One such innovation women the whole world over will be glad to know about is Mona Lisa Touch Santa Monica.

Menopause is a word that gets thrown around every now and then. Its dreaded by women who see it as a rite of passage, and by men who care nothing more than its related symptomatic terrible mood swings. However, it also actually has ramifications to a womans general health and well being.

Some women experience physical and hormonal issues during the post menopausal period. Due to a gradual decrease of estrogen, symptoms like vaginal dryness, burning, and itching, actuate. Generally, this atrophy results in the tightening and shortening of the canal leading up to the uterus, leading to discomfort and pain. That can be pretty much debilitating and disruptive to sexual health.

Nothing more need to be said in order to establish that these issues are detrimental to a persons health and function. The symptoms by themselves are anything but easy to deal with. They are also wide ranging, from mere dryness or itchiness, to all out irritation and burning sensations. Fissures may also form, that which results to debilitating pain.

This medical laser treatment works to direct some form of controlled energy to the tissues and cells of the vagina so that they might be revitalized. More specifically, this procedure exhorts the cells to produce more collagen. This aforementioned protein is very much essential for the health of the vaginal mucosa.

The popularity and wide following of MLT is such. In fact, more than fifteen thousand women outside the US have benefited from it, and stand by its effective results. The procedure itself is minimally invasive and therefore comparatively painless. Its also less complicated than one might think, only lasting up to about five minutes, which is just a jot of time, relatively. And then they would have to return for at last two more sessions, all within a span of about eighteen montsh. Anyway, there are patients who say that they feel improvement even after only the first session, which is a stark testament to its effectiveness.

Up until recently, hormone therapy and the application of estrogen ointments were the only recourses for the treatment of vaginal therapy. They are actually effective in their own right. However, there are persons who cant or else choose not to use them. Examples are those with breast cancer, or those at risk for cardiovascular diseases. Because of excessive cost and downtime, their application can also be irregular, that which discounts their probability of effectiveness.

This is not a one time procedure, however. Although patients feel an immediate improvement from the very first, a patient will have to receive three treatments at most, which are generally set about one month and a half apart. After that, they do annual visits. One session just takes less than five minutes, and patients should refrain from intercourse for about three days or so. Post procedure regimens vary with each womans personal state of health.

That includes its minimum downtime. Women can immediately return to their daily lifestyle, and wouldnt have to think about the next session set in the next six weeks. It is also less worrying to anxious women, as no anesthesia is needed, establishing the fact that its generally painless. Lastly, it has been proven free of side effects, and safe for cancer survivors and other people whose state of health is at a crisis.

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