Mar 12, 2018

Neda Hashemi: Treating Mouth Problems

By James Cole

Gum disease is not an uncommon problem. Affecting between 4%-12% of adults, gum disease causes the gums around your teeth to pull away, exposing the nerves which can be painful. You will be referred to Neda Hashemi who will perform certain procedures on your teeth depending on what kind of gum treatments you need.

Receding gums are the most common form of gum disease. This is also the area with the largest amount of treatment scope. Surgery can be performed to replace the tissue that has retreated. These procedures are done either to prevent the problem from getting worse, or to make the teeth more attractive. Gum issues must be treated at once though since they can cause other problems in your mouth. In severe cases, they will result in a tooth, or two, or all of them, falling out!

Periodontitis, the illness which affects the soft tissue around your teeth, can be caused by many factors. Most commonly there has been a build up of tartar in the mouth which needs to be removed. Symptoms of this affliction include bleeding gums, teeth which are sensitive to hot and cold food items, and gum lines which are receding.

Scaling and cleaning is a common, non-invasive treatment for gum disease. A periodontist will clean the plaque off your teeth and gums. This is scaling. Then he or she will smooth each tooth out so that it is more difficult for organisms to cling to the teeth and multiply, causing problems. This is called scaling. Its a great treatment because is not expensive, and can be done quite quickly.

Gum flapping is one of the more serious treatments for oral tissue problems. I this procedure, your periodontist will cut open the gums where pockets of bacteria have been accumulating. The area will be cleaned and then the flaps will be stitched back into place. Depending on whether your specialist uses dissolving stitches or not, you may have to revisit him or her for their removal. The treatment is done under local anesthetic and is generally successful.

. An alternative form of treatment for the plaque growth in your mouth is to undergo laser treatment to remove the plaque. This is the least invasive, most desired form of treatment. Another way to ensure your gums are in great condition is to visit your dentist twice yearly for teeth cleaning to clean away the build up of bacteria on your teeth.

The best way to deal with periodontitis is to avoid it all together if possible. The key idea here is try to make your mouth unpleasant for bacteria to grow in. Therefore brush twice daily with an antibacterial toothpaste. You should also be flossing on a regular basis. Follow up your tooth hygiene routine with antibacterial mouthwash and you can go a long way to preventing disease and tartar build-up.

Gum disease is distressing, and preventable. However, if you are facing a gum health issue, visit your dentist as soon as possible and get it treated before it becomes so severe that your require surgery, or even need to replace teeth with bridges.

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