Oct 27, 2015

Basics Why Using Tibetan Medicines For Immune Systems Ideal

By Sharon Weeks

Health is important. You know that its impossible to live a long life if youre not careful enough with what you eat and do to nourish your body. Its the mantra of your body to really seek for it. This serves as the point where your body will realign to what it was mean to be. However, numerous methods are introduced these days, but there are still a chosen few of the traditional ones that remains to this day.

However, spiritual takes more control of them all because it is the focal point of your individuality. Its why you need your spirit to maintain the balance within. Alternatively, it is why people still strive to make other ways to cure illnesses by using the ones like the Tibetan medicines for immune systems. They believed that it helps a lot because its wired with nature. Read on to find out more.

It taps more of the natural world. The people coming from Tibet, believed that a human body is interconnected with some natural fluids related to elements such as wind, bile and phlegm. Lets see one by one briefly more about it. To start with the wind. This is an element that people constantly use. And, you are not an exemption.

You know that you need it so much. Its because without it, you are doomed. Life is impossible without the provision of wind. So, you have to take care of yourself in doing the right breathing and for the right purposes. You see, this can cause you to have some grave consequences. And, its important for you to know that imbalance can take place with extreme nervousness, depression and longing desire.

The next one in line is the bile. Its an uncommon one. It appears dark, more like a semi vomit appearance with the pigments of the shades of dark green and yellowish brown, depending on how slimy like substance it appears. Its characteristics lies primarily with levels of acid stored inside the body.

In addition to this, you feel like you want to vomit at the thought of this, but the sad thing about this is that, you cannot live without its existence. It completes the whole process of your digestive system. However, its the portion where it is wired with your extreme emotion, the one you feel the blood rush of anger. Too much anger makes your stomach ache, resulting in forms of ulcer, etc.

The last one, the phlegm. This is the part where you are most familiar with for sure. Its visibly abundant when a person has imbalance or overdosed with bodily fluid caused by cough and colds. Its appearance is like a sticky stuff appearing like a white to yellowish green in color. You can even feel this inside your nose and throat when its amount is over its limits when youre not feeling well.

Just like the other two, you have to gain control of yourself. Now, this covers the matters related to the inflexibility of a person to adapt to other concepts. This is what is commonly referred to as being close minded or stubborn by nature. The inability to welcome other ideas or opinion causes a grave consequence with your vitality in this aspect because this leads to asthma, pneumonia, arthritis, etc.

Therefore, these are only a few basics you need to know to understand why the use of Tibetan medicine still exists these days. Although not as popular with what Western doctors do, but this practice remained effective, except in matters involving an operation. So, if you wish to know more, consult an expert for a wider scope of understanding. Find them. Start the search now.

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